Sunday, November 8, 2009

London Underground

Francesca had a project for her first grade class: 12 facts about something in the United Kingdom, with a related art project.

The facts:

  1. The London Underground Isa also Called the Tube.
  2. The Tube is the oldest underground railway in the world.
  3. It opened in 1863.
  4. The Underground is the largest metro train system in the world.
  5. It has 270 stations and 250 miles of track.
  6. One trip costs 5 pounds (about 8 dollars).
  7. Accidents are rare.
  8. The Tube carries about 1,000,000,000 passengers every year.
  9. The deepest station is Hampstead which is about 180 feet below the street.
  10. The tracks use 4 rails, 2 for wheels and 2 for electricity.
  11. The Underground's symbol is famous all over the world.
  12. Less than half of the Underground is actually underground.

The related art (with some help from her father):

cardboard, covered with plaster-gauze, paint and foam lettering.